I'm gonna share this on YT.
I'm gonna share this on YT.
Would do great in a nice passively played space game if only the drums were a little less 'powerful'
Check out the older version!
You made me so wet...
In my armpits...
Woot for Sax man, you should've thrown in a part of Epic Sax guy in there too lolz.
Lol I don't know who epic sax guy is :) Time to do some google searching :D Thx dude!
It's dubstep.
But not the good kind of dubstep D:
At least for me, this is popstep, for real dubstep, you need to have a lot few drums, it needs to be BASS--------SNARE--------BASS-------S NARE, very minimalist, but POWERFUL drums, and the WUB needs to be a lot darker, it needs to be slower.
That's just how I see dubstep, as this evil, evil, evil genre, and this is not evil :D
But the composition is okay.
Thanks, I've been wanting to make something angry sounding, and I play lots of metal on guitar, so moving notes into FL wouldn't be a problem. I might make something "evil" sounding soon:]
Did you make this with your keyboard?
Thanks, no
Porn music :D
I can hump to this :D
Just remember to use protection :P
dit liedje is erg saai ik vond er niks aan. sorry dat je het niet begrijpt maar ik kan geen andere taal spreken, sorry :(
Het is al goed, want het is de vertaling van Google! XD
In ieder geval bedankt voor de reactie!
And genius, you now achieve this double-sided award.
Enjoy :)
Don't forget sarcastic!
You have no talent, you should quit music and be a janitor like your father, like his father and so on until the very slaves your family came from who used to be in possession of my ancestors.
Yup, that's what a mainstream hipster would s-BOOM!
GTFO Hipster
There's no greater wisdom than realizing that you're an idiot.
Age 32, Male
Geography is stupid.
Joined on 5/21/09