There's no greater wisdom than realizing that you're an idiot.

Age 32, Male



Geography is stupid.

Joined on 5/21/09

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Falonefal's News

Posted by Falonefal - October 19th, 2009

And you know it.
This is a group for people who categorize themselves as "Evil-minded"
Now, before you think you are part of them, you will have to see if you fit within the rules (which are subject to change as in amount of them)

1. No Cussing/Swearing
We are evil, that doesn't mean we are loose on words, we use our words wisely, to grind down lives of other people.

2. It's not about hating.
We are not a Hate-group, we are a group that is "evil" in the pure meaning of that word.
The NewGrounds color for evil is red, it should've been Teal though, we are coldly evil.
Not the evil kind that is mad with revenge, we are the classy evil people, who are elegantly making the lives of everyone else more and more horrible by the second.

3. No-one escapes judgment.
Group-mates are no different than other people, if they do something that you don't like, you don't like it, period.
You don't promote other member of the group, it's about you, not about them.

4. You don't give a damn.
It's just a life, why not use it how YOU like it? For all sakes, you can theoretically do what you want! So do that, if you suddenly fall into the hands of the law, you were not "evil" you were an idiot.
Evil has a special feel to it, if you can get through to it, it will feel like a wave of powerful, not-necessarily-negative emotions, but just very powerful, like you understood the world all of a sudden.

5. Good Argumentation.
If you don't like something, you need to express it, don't hide your real feelings behind a curtain of lies and deception, spill it out, it's your opinion, and it's in your right to give your opinion.
However, your opinion must be based on facts and brilliant deductions, not on general opinion, we are philosophical.

6. Better than...
You are better than anyone. Why not? Something that not many people realize, is that as long as you think you are greater than anyone, no, even KNOW that you are better than anyone, you really ARE better than anyone, and if they come up with arguments like "I am a better musician, I earn more money" they already failed at the core.
You are perfectly satisfied with your life because you are awesome, and nothing can bring you down, and the other person relies on things and stuff and abilities.
It's the spirit that counts.

7. Take advantage.
If you can take advantage out of a situation, then take it!
There's a reason for why it's called advantage.

8. No fear.
No fear in expressing yourself, if you don't like something, you say that you don't like it, you don't fear that someone will make an argument out of it, you don't stop until you prove your point, they have to say that you are right, that is, if you first have applied rule nr. 5.

9. Down to Ashes, No Mercy.
The most important rule, since we are "evil" after all, we need to have a goal to achieve, or a mission, it's simple, everything that's not in our favour, does not deserve to exist, it's our goal to make sure it disappears from existence, by any means, elegantly burn it down, with every word, action, prove the adversary that he is worthless.

More To Come.
Post under if you think you are an "evil" person, if you're against this group, then please post, we need to know our enemies.

Posted by Falonefal - October 19th, 2009

After Sytze (A friend of mine and user of this site) pointed out the "Piano Roll" for me, I am now capable of making what I want, how I want, when I want, I'm unstoppable!
So I will bring to life to classical pieces I had in my mind, I am really looking forward to it.
Let's see what this FL studio 9 can do.
My first piece will be called "Divorce" I wrote it when my parents were divorcing.
It's not really a sad melody, it's more like a "The things will be as they will be" melody.
Will be on newgrounds somewhere around this week probably.
If not, you may kill me.

Posted by Falonefal - October 18th, 2009

Yeah, I had a little posting whore attack lately, which got me banned for 4 days, but I deserve it, I really should do things differently, posts don't matter, it's the quality of every single post that does.

I need help finding FL tutorials since I am just a beginner with that, I really, really need to understand the basics of it, any help is highly appreciated.


I take it back, I am a posts whore, and I'm proud of it, I just found out something amazing about FL, so I am going to spend most of my time on FL.

I am a posts whore, because I like numbers, and I like big numbers, more posts = bigger number = profit.
If you don't like it, go put your head in the sewer, did you like it? Well that's the same feeling you will have after going with me into a discussion.

Except for Gagsy, she's always right.

Posted by Falonefal - October 17th, 2009

I really liked Tom Fulp's biography style so I've decided to make one myself in a similar style.

Beginning with my good ol' "young" years.

0 - 7 " A growing oddity "

- Those were the years that I lived in Russia, having spent 95% of those years at the University and the rest in some other apartment in Moscow.

- At very young age, when I was cuddling our cat name Jessica, she gave me a huge scratch with her on my face...
Since then I am very afraid of female cats.

- My father had a friend name "Ed" and he was the mid-slacker type, loved to play games, studied some but I suspect he played more often though.
He played StarCraft with me and always won, except one time, I ran into his base, and magically was capable of building a Warp Gate and destroying him with Zealots...
My father, when I told him that I won, told that Ed simply let me win.
After that, I called Ed an idiot, my father made me apologize to him later.

- One day I was wandering through the University, and stumbled upon a pile of building garbage (there were some repairs), and I decided to step on it for some reason...
I just got a cold feeling and walked off of it, not realizing what happened, I then bent my leg to see what happened and saw a fucking hole in my shoe, also, the hole went on through my foot... I fucking stepped on a nail.
FUCK ouch.
I still whimper when I remember that moment.

- We had this awful food at our creche which no-one liked, I however liked the soup with meatballs in it, no-one else did though, and everyone knew I loved the meatballs, so at the start of the eating, I had meatballs with soup-sauce. Everytime.

- I had a very good friend at our creche, with whom I had a lot of fun time since we read with him, invented cool games, and made fun of other kids at the creche thinking of them as stupid idiots :P
The funniest time with him that I had was when the woman looking after us all left to get coffee or something, we went to look out for when she would come, because we were discussing which word was funnier: "ass" or "backside" (note: These two words sound WAY funnier in Russian), we finished on deciding that both those words were hilarious :)

- When we went to sleep in that creche, we could see a house with apartments across the street and one of those windows was ghastly RED.
So, naturally, all the "dumb" kids were pretty afraid of that room, and sometimes, we could see a woman walk behind the curtains.
In Russian Culture you have the "Old Witch" (Baba Yaga) who is evil and bad most of the time, so first me and my friend told the other kids that it was her in the room, and then my friend stood up in his bed and said he'd protect them from her and one day she would fall.
Funny thing is, one day the red light vanished from the house..
I always missed it... and I always will... sigh...

One of the supervisors at the creche was a bitch a bitch and a bitch.
She was a mean <...> because she did horrible things to kids, hitting them, or grabbing them by their hair and locking them up in a closet.
She did that to me a couple of times, and then I told my parents, my father was angry as fuck at that, and so was his mother, so they went with me to the creche, there also was a policeman, that woman, and some other people, I had to testify.
But damn me I apparently lost my grip and said that I said it wasn't true... I think I just didn't have the right setting of mind to give that woman out...
I so would've done that now....
But my father never understood it and asked me on multiple occasions later in life why the hell I said that it wasn't true.
However, this incident did get me out of the stupid creche and I was capable of watching Sesamstreet fully after that! Hell yeah! Never met my best friend after that though.

- The university I was at was a very tall building, and the wind on the upper level was very powerful, so me and my friends went as high as we could, and found a room which was empty and open (lots of those rooms were there)
We went inside, opened the doors and started looking outside, I placed my hand on the space where the window fits in when it closes.
We had closed all the doors in the room.
Then, suddenly someone opened the door to come in, the window we were looking out immediately slammed closed and hell broke loose.
Next a couple of things started happening at the same time, my closest friend started yelling at the one who came in for his stupidity, I was doing my best trying to pull out my hand, then the door closed and we opened the window.
the skin on that place looked as if it... well... it was a big flap of skin hanging from the side of my hand, and it hurt like hell, my grandma healed it later.
I learned my lesson with windows and bad weather.

- I ate sand at the age of 2-4.
It's fucking tasty, believe me or scram it!


Posted by Falonefal - October 12th, 2009

I've used Photoshop a lot in the past, but had to abandon it for very long since then, for about 1/2 years now (THE SHAME!), but I am doing my best working on tutorials and contests etcetera to remember and get back my awesome skills =D

Also, trying to get around in Fruityloops, I SUCK at it, but no doubt, I will become better after I've done some mindless tutorial-bashing.

Flash will be going on for me too, I really have some idea's for animations in my head, but I need to be capable of making an animation first... I hope it won't take too long.

Meh, also school is on my neck, but I don't really give a fuck.

This is it for now, I hope soon to post a design of a Guitar, we'll see.
In the closest future I'll mostly draw my designs of stuff on lessons, and post the result here.
So the first will be an electric guitar, tomorrow. (or today already here)