So I played SC2 and I had finished a custom game, which I won, calling everybody losers, little did I know, that the perfect troll opportunity had arrived:
Maciucinbuci: wtf dude
Maciucinbuci has reconnected.
Maciucinbuci: wy u call us losers?
its rude u know..
You: haaaa
What are you
Maciucinbuci: no infact im 35
You: Welcome, to the network
Well then you're an idiot
You ever watched scrubs?
Maciucinbuci: why u ofend me now ?
You: offend*
get back to school hippy
Maciucinbuci: offend *
You: Because I can
Maciucinbuci: lol..
You: and the fact that I can
gives me satisfaction
Maciucinbuci: no.
You: Good
Have a good day
Maciucinbuci: imature kid
You: Immature*
Maciucinbuci: 10 years old.
You: Mhm
But who is the one
making false accusations now
tsk tsk
Maciucinbuci: no dude i just dont like 2 be offended ..
You: Good for yo
Maciucinbuci: and i old told u its rude to act that way
You: Sadly for you, you don't know how to offend
I don't care
Maciucinbuci: if u like it go for it have satisfaction u can only do it on internet
You: Nope
IRL the same thing
Maciucinbuci: i would reall really like 2 have some punk like in in front and offend me real life.
You: only people aren't offended as quickly
oh I would LOVE
to offend you in real life
ex-marine, motherfucker
Maciucinbuci: ex marine here on europe ?!
e marines play on usa server idiot
You: I moved to France, you numbshit
Maciucinbuci: yeah u moved to shit u moved
You: Well
I like living here
Got a problem
Maciucinbuci: i dont give a dam if ex shit or not
You: Come at me bro
come on give me your best shot
Maciucinbuci: u offend me , u tink u big shit and now i cant stand anymore u some hercules bro fucking shit
You: Erm
No I'm doing this for fun
you can't even understand
Maciucinbuci: fucking shit ass
You: how much fucking satisfaction this gives me
and that
Maciucinbuci: i would fucking rape u motherfucker
fucking ex shit dick sucker
You: I'm sitting here with my friends laughing-hahahah
You are a joke, sir
Go have sex with Fred, or I dunno
Maciucinbuci: ya sit with your friends at 7 in the morning u fucking piece of shit
You: 9:33
Maciucinbuci: ya 9 33 no life no shit no pussy just diks sitting
u fucking gay band homo
You: Well, unlike you
we have money
Maciucinbuci: ya u suck it a lot
You: Mhm
Maciucinbuci: ofc u have money
You: Well, definitely more than you
This is so lol
Maciucinbuci: ppl pay 2 have the duck sucked by some ex marine idiot
You: every sentence you say
is so fucking funny
Maciucinbuci: *write
You: You should do
fuck up comedy
I mean
Maciucinbuci: starting with your ass
You: The only offenses you can come up wwith
have something to do
with a curseword
Maciucinbuci: with your mom ?
You: Real original stuff RIGHT there people :D
you are a loser
Maciucinbuci: ye ye fucking ex marine
You: If we'd play again
I'd win again
Maciucinbuci: suck me hard idiot
You: and again
and again
and again
Because I'm better than you
At everything
Except sucking dicks
Maciucinbuci: LOL idiot its a custom game !
You: you win there pal
You: I still win from you
Maciucinbuci: U BRONZEEEEEE!!!
You: Oh sorry
This is just
Maciucinbuci: super top noob
You: my custom games playing account
I have 3 others
1 for team playing
Maciucinbuci: k go get your best 1 v 1 account
You: 1 is collectors edition
Maciucinbuci: and show me !
yor rank
You: Diamonds
Maciucinbuci: fucking ass lier
You: But you know
Maciucinbuci: go get it !
You: What the funniest thing is?
I provoked you
Maciucinbuci: u A BRONZE
You: into showing me
that you think having a rank on STARCRAFT means something
Maciucinbuci: how stupid u are
You: I'm a fucking genius
Maciucinbuci: and how small a brain u have
You: words are like bullets
ahahaha lol
please continue
The fact is
I'm still better than you
Maciucinbuci: ya ofc it hurts when u are stupid
no u aint better
You: Yep I am
Maciucinbuci: u are BRONZE AND IDIOT
You: So?
What is bronze
explain me
You: So?
You make quick assumptions my friend
Maciucinbuci: your rank into starcraft its shit rang .. junk player idiot noob moron
You: so?
Maciucinbuci: go play ping pong
so u aint better
u a noob
You: I bet you'd lose in ping pong from me too
Maciucinbuci: idiot
You: and Yes I am better :)
I am :)
Maciucinbuci: u say u have a diamond go get it
You: Because while you go nuts about your rank XD
I am laughing my ass off here
Maciucinbuci: U DONT HAVE A DIAMOND !
Maciucinbuci: tell your friends u a fucking lier
a mofo lier
You: wait wait wait
do you seriously think
I care??
I can't believe it
you sincerely think
Maciucinbuci: u lie u are a ex marine just like u lie u have a diamond
You: that rank makes a difference
Maciucinbuci: fucking 12 y old kid
You: bwhahahaha
And there you o
with the assumptions again
While I stayed off the course of assumptions
this whole conversations
basing my accusations sorely on what you say
you kept making assumptions
I win again
Maciucinbuci: hey dickhead suck my dick hard and hard and more and more ok ? ! FUCK U SUCK ME IDIOT
You: And there
I officially win
Maciucinbuci: SUCK ME
You: I win.
Galneda first I was like, "Dude, why're you being such a dick to this guy?" But when he absolutely derails like a blithering idiot, I laughed.